4 dic 2012

Xmas Trendy Market

This Saturday was celebrated the Trendy Xmas Market, a market of emerging designers in Pontevedra, in which I participated with my clothes and tees!
There were from all, bowties, shirts, clothing, accessories, workshops, cakes ... and we enjoyed it, the organization was great.
I put some photos of the event, see you soon!

More info: Xmas Trendy Market 

11 nov 2012

Liebster Blog Awards

A few days ago, Valdnad, the blog of the young designer Ana Pérez Valdés, gave me an award Liebster. This is a prize among bloggers with less than 200 followers .The origins of the Liebster Blog award are somewhat unclear but the overall consensus is that it originated in Germany, "Liebster" meaning favorite or dearest. Upon accepting the award the recipient must then pass it on to five favorite blogs.
My Liebster Awards goes to the following blogs:

Cabinet of Curiosities and Absurdities
Mi querida historia
Pulgar de elefante
Front row

21 oct 2012

Magic places

Some photos I took of the old palace of Lourizán, where you can view the details of the vegetation, architecture and the old sculptures.
Photos: Victoria Monasterio.

Czech crystal dress

Dress with Czech crystal applications sewn individually by me.
Vestido con aplicaciones de cristal checo cosidos individualmente por mí. Photos: Vicente Fernández. Model: Raquel Martínez. MUA: Bas. More info: http://www.victoriamonasterio.com/index.html

8 oct 2012

Black dress

Designs: Victoria Monasterio. Photo: Vicente Fernández. Model: Raquel Martínez. MUA: Bas.

30 sept 2012


Designs: Victoria Monasterio. Photos: Paula Iglesias, Victoria Monasterio. Model: Laura Martínez. MUA: Xela Vázquez Noya.

25 sept 2012

New photos

A recent photo shoot for the collection Up. Designs: Victoria Monasterio. Photography: Paula Iglesias. Model: Kris. MUA: Xela Vázquez Noya.

18 sept 2012

190º The Magazine

New publication on 190º The Magazine. You can see more photos on the following link:
Photos: Paula Iglesias. See you soon!

12 sept 2012

Blue Dress

Embroidered and draped velvet dress designed by me. Photography: Vicente Fernández. Model: Raquel Martínez. MUA: Bas.

30 ago 2012

Look 4

Jumpsuit: Victoria Monasterio. Photos: Vicente Fernández. Models: Noelia Fonseca, Natalia Senra. Make up & Hair: Bas.

26 ago 2012

Pegasus embroidery

Pegasus embroidery belonging to my first collection. Photo: Victoria Monasterio.

22 ago 2012

Look 3

Designs: Victoria Monasterio. Photo: Vicente Fernández Piedras. Model: Noelia Fonseca

14 ago 2012


Cadena dorada con pájaros de metacrilato

Cadena cobre con boca de charol y flecos

Series of pendants and necklaces belonging to my latest collections. Desings: Victoria Monasterio. https://www.facebook.com/victoriamonasteriodesign


Serie of t-shirts designed and drawn by Victoria Monasterio. For further information: http://www.victoriamonasterio.com/index.html

13 ago 2012


Designs: Victoria Monasterio. Photo: Paula Iglesias. Model: Phil Kidd